Buba Solak

Ljubica Meshkova Solak Born in Skopje 1975. High School of Art and Faculty of Fine Arts / Department of Graphics with conservation and restoration ended in Skopje. She works and lives in Bitola as a professor of fine arts at the High School and at Atelier Solak. As an author who for 20 years has actively participated in many artistic, more than 200 group exhibitions and events in the country and abroad, is a member of DLUM, DLUB, ICOMOS, honorary member of Femin Art - Trabzon Turkey and from 2014-2016 is President of DLUB, Vice President of the French Alliance 2021-2024
15 solo exhibitions Bitola Kavadarci Gevgelija Skopje Prilep Sofia Istanbul Berlin Paris Athens Study stays / Istanbul, Athens, Sofia, Bucharest, Paris, Jerusalem, Ljubljana, Florence, Thessaloniki, Florence From 2014-2018 work on projects for arranging shop windows of world fashion brands in Dubai and the United Arab Emirates. 2020- Ascona / Switzerland, KIC-Istanbul, Festival of pictures and video mapping Epinal-France and 75 Osten Winner of several awards for painting and graphics - "Borislav Traikovski"