Shubin Sergey (Nikolaevich). Born on 16.12.1966 In the city of Kirov (Vyatka), Russia.
In 1984, he graduated from high school and entered the First Leningrad Medical Institute to train for a medical career.
However, he became so influenced by the experiences of the new city Leningrad , that he abandoned medicine and became completely fascinated by painting and the Arts ... and to which he decided to dedicate devotedly most of his life. During this time, he became quite famous in the art circles of the city and countryside at large, repeatedly participating in exhibitions. Many of his works are in private collections in Russia and in other countries. Since April 2019 he has been living and working in Funchal, Madeira, where he plans to continue his artistic career. He uses mixed mediums in his dreamlike works which bare influences of surrealism, abstract expressionism, visually referencing folktales from his homeland. A favourite technique of his is the use of scraffito to create tension and hidden drama. It will be interesting to watch whether the environment of Madeira influences the direction of his future work.
